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Newsletter UNIMA | September 2023


Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes

New Digital Member Cards

Michaël Meschke Prize

Upcoming Passport Program Opportunities


Three Americas Commission

Emergency Aid

Nordic Working Group

New Sexual Harassment Policy in UNIMA

UNIMA at the

World Festival of Puppetry in Charleville-Mézières

UNIMA organises Happy Apéros and meetings to join together and celebrate friendship among puppeteers as well as to exchange ideas and discuss the challenges facing our international organisation. How can we think about the new challenges? How can we think about expectations? How can we create answers? How can we think about the UNIMA of tomorrow, as more proactive, and more in touch with the different realities of the worlds of the puppetry arts? These and other questions challenge our international puppetry organization to make it more active and closer. Let’s talk about our future together.

-Dimitri Jageneau, General Secretary UNIMA

Program Includes In-person networking events

+ Hybrid events

at the

UNIMA Headquarters in Charleville and on Zoom*

View the Full UNIMA Program

View the Full Program of FMTM

*see program for Zoom links


Interested in finding out more?

Join the pre-festival networking meeting via Zoom

on August 31, 2023 at 17:00 CET 

ID de réunion : 816 8409 2678
Code secret : 124537



Digital Membership


UNIMA's membership cards are now available in digital format!

To receive a digital card, you must be a member of UNIMA.

Not yet a member? 

Contact the national centre of your country

Submit a proposal for a member benefit

Michaël Meschke Prize


On Saturday, June 24th, 2023, Roman Rudenko, director of the Marionette Theater of Mariupol, Ukraine, received the Michaël Meschke Prize at the Museum of Puppetry Arts (MAM) in Lyon.


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Commission News

Passport Program

with the International Festivals Commission

The PASSPORT program aims to help young UNIMA puppeteers or puppetry students, both UNIMA and non-UNIMA members, to attend puppet festivals and increase their knowledge of the organization and programming of an international event.

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Do you organize a festival?

Share information about it with the network 


See the updated map of world festivals

Questions? Email


with the Professional Training Commission

View the Latest Meeting

To find out more about upcoming Puppetraining sessions

Like the Facebook Page  or Contact the Commission

Three Americas Commission

The UNIMA Three Americas Commission's new interim president*, Tito Lorefice, reports that the first activity managed jointly by the Three Americas Commission (Latin America subcommission), the Professional Training Commission, and the Joinville "Animaneco" Festival, was a complete success. It was a face-to-face and online meeting for a week, in a seminar on Contemporary Dramaturgies in Animation Theatre, with the participation of puppeteer artists representing Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Bosnia. Daily, on average around 250 puppeteers from different Latin American countries' National Centers participated online. The meetings were recorded and can be viewed on Youtube.

On September 28 and 29, the Commission will hold an intensive shadow theater workshop by Alessandra Amicarelli, also under the auspices of the Professional Training Commission, in combination with five festivals in Latin America that coincide on those dates. 

*Tito Lorefice assumed the role of interim president of the Three Americas Commission at the 2023 Council meeting in Bali after the resignation of Rubén Darío Salazar.

Interested in finding out more?

Contact the Commission


Emergency Aid

UNIMA's Cooperation Commission's mission is to provide aid to puppeteers in situations of catastrophe. This encompasses disasters caused by weather or climate, industrial, political or social situations of extreme distress. With so many crises in the world today, this mission is even more pressing.

Most recently the Commission sent aid to UNIMA Sudan to support puppeteers affected by the civil war in the country.


Nordic Working Group

UNIMA Nordic is a voluntary grouping of UNIMA Centres from the Nordic region, including Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. The centres initially came together in response to the Russia-Ukraine war and through a wish to support Ukrainian puppeteers and puppetry students who are displaced or unable to continue their work or studies. UNIMA Nordic proposes to set up a series of online and in-person workshops and lectures over the next two years for Ukrainian and Nordic puppeteers, to foment cultural exchange and the development of new puppetry skills.

UNIMA Nordic will be launching this project at the International puppetry festival in Charleville on 22nd September this year. The lectures and workshops will then continue over the next months beginning with lectures and presentations by Ukrainian and Finnish puppeteers in November, and will follow with a programme focusing on puppetry heritage, applied puppetry, creative and experimental practices and popular puppetry techniques from the different countries. Each workshop or session will be hosted by a different country within UNIMA Nordic.

For more information about UNIMA Nordic,

please contact Tiina Suhonen


NEW Sexual Harassment Policy

UNIMA International approved the adoption of a policy for the prevention of sexual harassment within the organisation. The policy meets the requirements of both French and international law

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These are just a few highlights of the many exciting things happening in the world of UNIMA. Stay connected to all the latest happenings by visiting the News section of, liking UNIMA’s Facebook or Instagram pages, or by joining the Facebook Group

FMTM logo by Nastya Mashtakova, Member card puppet by Cie Arketal, Prix Michaël Meschke photos courtesy of Clément Peretjatko, Marionnettissimo image courtesy of International Festivals Commission, Three Americas photo by Tito Lorefice, Finland photo courtesy of Niina Kettunen-Niemi, Ukraine photo courtesy of Daria Ivanova, Denmark photo courtesy of Rolf Soberg Hansen

10, Cours Aristide Briand – BP 402
08107 Charleville-Mézières – France |

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